“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.” ~ Peter DruckerPARTNERSHIPS
“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.” ~ Peter DruckerOUR SPONSORS
Christian Hunters of America has been extremely blessed by donations, grants and/or discounts from so many awesome companies and organization! Please consider using these businesses and supporting these organization:
AC by Jay, Air Evac, Alexander Sinclair Design Showroom, Archery Head Quarters, Aristotle Engineering, Arizona Archery Club, Arizona Game & Fish Department, Arizona Hunting & Angling Heritage Work Groups, Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation, Arizona Wildlife Outfitters, BeeStinger, Bike Barn, Bushnell, Cabela’s, Calvary Community Church, Colburn & Scott Outfitters, Community Tire Pros & Auto Repair, Corner Archery, Desert Heritage Taxidermy, Desert Valley Wildlife Artistry, Dirty Doe, Fletcher Tire & Auto Centers, Glennie Reporting Services, Gold Tip, Gonzales Asphalt, Grand Canyon State Outfitters, Hike to Hunt Archery Challenge, Jay Scott Outdoors, L’AUBURGE de Sedona, Metal-Weld Specialties, Mobil FUSED, No LIMIT Archery, Outdoorsmans, Primos, PSE, QUICKPACK, Richardson’s Furniture, Ross Outdoors, Ruger, Sanderson Ford, Small Giants, Sneek Tec, Southeast Arizona Outfitters, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Straight Arrow Outfitters, Striper Hunters, Swarovski, Tactacam, Von Hanson’s Meats & Spirits, Ward’s Outfitters, Wayne Carlton’s Calls, Wes’ Western Taxidermy, Western Hunter, Wilderness Athlete, Wilderness Media Digital/Strategic Marketing, Williams Mechanical, Willmeng Construction
Christian Hunters of America is proud to partner with several like minded conservation groups. Through these partnerships, we are able to provide quality hunting seminars, mentor camps and other community events. Huge thank you to Arizona Bowhunters Association, Arizona Custom Hunts, Arizona Elk Society, Arizona Game & Fish Department, Arizona Hunting & Angling Heritage Work Groups, Arizona Mule Deer Organization, Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation, Broadhead Brotherhood, Christian Bowhunters of America, Fathead’s Smokewagon BBQ, Gold Fever of the West Valley, Heroes Rising Outdoors, Into the Wild Outdoors, National Wild Turkey Federation, No Excuse Hunting & Outdoors, Outdoors Experience for All, Phoenix Varmint Callers Inc, Phoenix HEAT, Pope & Young Club, Quail Forever, Safari Club International, Sportsman’s Devotional, Southeast Arizona Outfitters, Sun Country Outdoor Adventures, Trailhead Outdoors and Ward’s Outfitters.
Christian Hunters of America partnered with AZSFWC during 2020. They donated funds for CHA to be able to purchase the trailer pictured below. Look for our trailer driving down the freeways – this trailer will be used at all of our events going forward such as our mentored hunts, how-to seminars, and any other opportunities as they arise over the years.
Christian Hunters of America is proud to partner with several like minded conservation groups in AZ. Through these partnerships, we are able to provide quality seminar and mentor camp experiences for those that attend. By your support of these partners and our organization, we can all make AZ a better place to enjoy the outdoors.
We also partnered with some of the finest suppliers of outdoor and hunting equipment in the country. These partnerships have allowed us to showcase the products and services they provide. Gold Tip, BeeStinger, Primos, Bushnell and Tatacam have come alongside us in our mission to support the great outdoors.